twelve below

when we got to chicago we learned that the same airline we took had landed a plane
in the hudson river in n.y. we would have been on that plane if we decided to fly straight to the
east coast instead of stopping in chicago first. i was very jealous. daves sister thought we
were on the river plane and called us worried. we saw the news while at a breakfast diner
in chicago called the egg palace. here is a picture of the palace:

ah, beautiful.
the owner gave me free coffee and told me how she can read
auras. she talked about disturbed teens giving her napkin art
in exchange for free food. she excitedly pulled out the pile of napkin art and droped it all on the floor:


she was concerned tht kids don't have the right
place to talk about their most secret thoughts.
she showed me her favorite drawings

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About Me

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I was going to use this as a "story of the bus escapades" however, i often like other peoples version of what happened more that how i saw it. these are only my versions from where i saw it. i do lots of other things besides the bus - so ill stray.
